6 Educational Interactive Tools To Heighten Students Writing Skills

Below is a collection of about skillful educatee interactives from ReadWriteThink. These are tools to assistance students amongst their writing. They tin purpose them to brainstorm ideas, prepare an outline,  take notes, map events inwards a story, organize data logically too many more. The tools are slow too uncomplicated to purpose too anything created on them tin last printed too shared amongst others. We invite yous to cheque them out too part amongst your colleagues. Links too reviews of the tools are nether the visual.

Plot Diagram
‘The Plot Diagram is an organizational tool focusing on a pyramid or triangular shape, which is used to map the events inwards a story. This mapping of plot construction allows readers too writers to visualize the telephone substitution features of stories.’

2- Essay Map
‘This interactive graphic organizer helps students prepare an outline that includes an introductory statement, principal ideas they desire to hash out or describe, supporting details, too a decision that summarizes the principal ideas.’

3- Compare too Contrast Map
‘This interactive graphic organizer helps students prepare an outline for 1 of 3 types of comparing essays: whole-to-whole, similarities-to-differences, or point-to-point.’

4- Venn Diagram
‘This interactive tool allows students to practise Venn diagrams that comprise 2 or 3 overlapping circles. Students position too tape concepts that tin last placed inwards 1 of the circles or inwards the overlapping areas, allowing them to organize their data logically.’

5- Persuasion Map
‘The Persuasion Map is an interactive graphic organizer that enables students to map out their arguments for a persuasive test or debate. Students start past times determining their destination or thesis. They thence position 3 reasons to back upwards their argument, too 3 facts or examples to validate each reason.’

6- ReadWriteThink Notetaker
‘This hierarchical outlining tool allows students to organize upwards to 5 levels of data for reading too writing activities. During or afterwards reading, the Notetaker tin last used to compile too organize reading notes, research, too related ideas.’


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